Arthur MorganHonor VIEW OLDER REPLIES 0 IrishDC·12/1/2020 Definitely higher ending, and help John. Made me cry each time I've done it, and even the horse's death made me cry R10-1112·12/1/2020 The last ride made me cry more ...
You've ever heard of death? (The Chips are Down) - "Hi, I'm D.W., Arthur's smarter sister." (The Rat Who Came to Dinner) - "Hi! I'm D.W. You're lucky. Your mom lets you draw on your arms." (Arthur's Family Vacation) ...
eventual death and Arthur's ascension the Kingship and the changes to their characters, whatever the hell is happening in Arthur's head is a question worth answering. Let's look at the facts! *Elevator music, A new Hope* When Arthur meets his future lover he sees him as a peas...
Sarah Van Patten and Luke Ingham, “Björk Ballet” choreography by Arthur Pita and music by Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Alejandro Ghersi and Sjón; from“Space Between”(“Rodeo: Four Dance Episodes” choreography by Justin Peck, “Die Toteninsel” choreography by Liam Scarlett and “Bjö...
“Ray’s Trial” ultimately falls short. Scriptwriter Arthur Bernard Lewis doesn’t devote much time to examining the moral implications of Mickey’s death, which is somewhat surprising considering the difference of opinion Ray and Donna apparently bring to the issue. At one point, Ray tells his...
Before Barker’s swift decline and death at age 69 in October, the central Alberta singer/songwriter passed on a last wish to his daughter, Asya. He wanted his latest album to be completed posthumously. Asya passed this desire on to Barker’s musical collaborator and keyboardist...
but Jennifer’s raspy vocals undermine the tune’s Pokemon-ish superhero theme-song tendency by dishing out some death metal growls. Herrema says she’s been perfecting her growl since Royal Trux required her to invent vocals for songs that “weren’t classically pop, where the vocals had to...
becomes a different beast. “We were working class Kinks,” Dave says about the song. “I kind of felt uncomfortable with the idea of becoming middle class.” In the chorus, “Shangri-La” explodes into clattering percussion and pained harmonies, making complacency sound scarier than death. ...
I am Queen Morgan le Fay, Queen of the land of Gore, and here also is the Queen of Northgales, and the Queen of Eastland, and the Queen of the Out Isles. Choose, then, at once, for else shall thou abide here, in this prison, till thy death.” “It is a hard case,” said...