Arthur, along with his friends Muffy, Francine and Buster, like most elementary school students, are intrigued that their teacher has a life outside of school. The students know their rodent teacher enjoys puppetry, playing in a rock band and bird watching — but getting married? That calls f...
After the couple tied the knot, Arthur and his friends discussed the union at the reception. “Mr. Ratburn is married. I still can’t believe it,” Arthur said. “Yep. It’s a brand-new world,” Francine replied. Fans of the PBS show applauded the union, with many taking to social...
‘All Creatures Great and Small’ Embraced Current Events While Making the Season 3 Finale The episode follows the gang of Arthur, Muffy, Francine, and Buster, as they try to figure out who Mr. Ratburn is marrying. They first sense something is up when their beloved teacher takes a phone...
There’s also a lot of humor in “Peter’s Principles,” beginning with J.R.’s quips about Clayon’s son (“Dusty or Steve or what the hell ever that rodeo rider calls himself nowadays”) and Ray’s wife (“You sure married a winner”). I also like when Clayton announces he’s...
“Inge told me that she went to see him almost every Sunday, and that [Arthur] never wanted to see him,” recalls the writer Francine du Plessix Gray. Once he was placed in Southbury, many friends heard nothing more about Daniel. “After a certain period,” one friend says, “he was...