and episodes of swelling in the small joints of her fingers. This has made it difficult for her to work and she is concerned as she has had to take some time off. She describes how she has ‘trouble dressing my two-year-old’ and ‘peeling vegetables’. She has had some relief taking...
I’m no anti vaxxer but my swollen joints became more noticeable and my rings got stuck on one hand around 6 weeks after my booster too. Let’s keep this thread going and update as we go. I’m seeing our head of menopause unit (who practises privately) next week and I’ll be ...
Change your wardrobe.Make getting dressed smoother by choosing clothes that are easier to put on, or adapt the clothes you have. Bigger buttons, Velcro fasteners, elastic shoelaces, and rings for zipper pulls can make it faster to dress. So can tools like a long-handled shoehorn. Around the...
During the advanced stage, there is a degeneration of the muscles around the joints, resulting in the fingers deviating towards the ulnar side. Additionally, there is a partial dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint, leading to the characteristic appearance of “swan neck” and “button ...
(Medical Xpress)—For the 1.5 million Americans – most of them women – who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, swollen, painful knuckles and wrists are part of daily life. But a team of Cornell undergraduates has a solution: a line of anti-inflammatory j
(Medical Xpress)—For the 1.5 million Americans – most of them women – who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, swollen, painful knuckles and wrists are part of daily life. But a team of Cornell undergraduates has a solution: ...