When there is a blockage in an artery, as in PAD, it can cause pain in the legs, swelling and blood clotting. In the advanced stages of the disease, wounds in the affected area stop healing, which can lead to gangrene and might even require amputations. While there is no cure...
Angioplasty is often combined with placement of a stent to help prop the artery open and decrease the chance of another blockage. These vascular procedures are frequently used to potentially prevent amputation for patients with the most severe forms of PAD, including those with pain in the leg ...
PAD is usually caused by the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries, calledatherosclerosis. Most people can control PAD with some lifestyle changes, but if you have a severe blockage, your doctor might recommend surgery to remove the plaque and buildup. There are two different surgeries to...
In the beginning, the following symptoms can indicate peripheral arterial disease: Tired and weak arms and legs Leg pain (usually in the calves) Arm or buttocks pain (less common) Burning or tingling sensation in the feet Numbness in the hands and feet ...
are a variety of current interventions available depending on the severity of the disease, including managing diet, physical exercise, and medications like statins [cholesterol drugs] and anti-platelet therapies. More invasive therapies include revascularization, in which the blockage is surgically removed...
and the bronchial tubes. The difference in the functions of these vessels was not yet known; because they were all empty in cadavers, early anatomists supposed they all carried air. As medical knowledge advanced, however, students of anatomy realized that arteries carry blood and only the windpip...
A tube called a stent may be placed in your artery to hold it open. Bypass surgery is used to make a new connection to your artery with a vein from another part of your body, or an artificial graft. The vein or graft is attached to your artery above and below your blockage. This...
• To manage the blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle • To improve the supply of oxygen and blood to the heart • To relieve chest pain (angina) • To reduce the risk of a heart attack • To improve the ability for physical activity ...
During angioplasty, a catheter with a balloon on its end is inserted into the blocked artery, and gently expanded, pushing open the blockage and restoring blood flow to the area. The catheter is then removed. A stent, which is a tiny metal cylinder, is sometimes placed in the artery to ...
symptoms, Dr. Shelley uses noninvasive ultrasound to locate the arterialblockageand remove it using a minimally invasive technique in the interventional suite at Bingham Memorial Hospital. The high-tech, image-guided instrumentation in this dedicated suite is used to deliver the most advanced and ...