Multislice Computed Tomography showed decrease of the aorta-superior mesenteric artery distance and narrowing of the normal angle between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery, with obstruction of the duodenum. The clinical and imaging features of the case, as well as a review of the ...
Descripción de dos arterias renales unilaterales derechas originadas a diferentes niveles de la arteria aorta abdominal en relación a un casodoi:10.47993/gmb.v47i1.693ABDOMINAL aortaHUMAN anatomyRENAL arteryARTERIESKIDNEY transplantationThe recognition of variants in the origin of the...
dilation of the coronary arteries and normal left ventricular ejection fraction, the mechanism of mitral regurgitation was by annular dilation, prolapse of the segments A1-P1, A2-P2, showed the absence of left coronary artery from the aorta, also multiple intramyocardial collateral in the interventri...
Tratamiento de las arterias hipo- gastricas en la cirugia endovascular del aneurisma de aorta abdominal. Angiologia 2008; 60(1): 1-15.J.P.Linares-Palomino. (2008) Tratamiento de las arterias hipogástricas en la cirugía endovascular del aneurisma de aorta abdominal. Angiología 60 , 1-15...
Estudio aleatorizado para comparar los resultados de la utilización de una o las 2 arterias mamarias en la cirugía coronariaDilatation of the ascending aorta (AA) is a common finding in patients with aortic valve disease. The clinical practice guidelines recommend replacing the AA whenever the...
Three types of saccular aneurysms were differentiated mainly on therapeutic criteria: type I, aneurysm of the ostium of the renal artery, generally associated with an aneurysm of the aorta (two cases); type II, broad-basedpediculated saccular aneurysm (four cases) and type III, narrow-based...