A Chinese trial on 90 subjects with allergic skin disorders has demonstrated that topical artesunate exerts potent efficacy against eczema, erythema multiforme, polymorphous sunlight eruption and hydroa aestivale, and moderate effectiveness against atopic dermatitis, psoriasis vulgaris and dermatomyositis [17...
((aa)) aanndd AArrtemisia vulgaris L. (b). TThhee cchheemmiiccaall ccoommppoossiittiioonn ooff tthhee AArrtteemmiissiiaa ssppeecciieess iiss ccoommpplleexx aanndd iinncclluuddeess aa wwiiddee rraannggee ooff bbiiooaaccttiivvee ccoommppoouunnddss [[1122,,1166]].. TThhee mmoosstt ...
vulgaris (mugwort) and A. capillaris. The AS aerial parts are eaten as a seasoned vegetable and herb in Korea. The AS has various biological effects, including anti-oxidative, antimicrobial, anti-allergic, anti-atherogenic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and liver protection activities [16–21]....
typhi, E. coli ATCC 8739, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae 10031, and P. aeruginosa 9027, and thus, they can be used as a natural preservative in food and pharmaceutical industries. The antibacterial action of the essential oil composition of A. absinthium was linked to the presence ...