teemana 0 4.96 Sehr gut Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) ZUM GESAMTEN SORTIMENT TEEMANA IST BEKANNT AUS Ausschließlich bei uns erhältlich: WELTWEIT BEKANNTE A-3 QUALITÄT Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Blattschnitt AngebotspreisAb 8,00 € ...
Artemisia annua anamed.(Shorts)Klotter, Jule
The malaria program encourages the cultivation and use of Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) as a tea to treat malaria, hemorrhoids, and other health conditions. Artemisia annua is the source for artemisinin, the newest drug to treat malaria. Local production of the herb provides income as...Jule...
Exploring the potential of aqueous extracts of Artemisia annua ANAMED (A3) for developing new anti‐malarial agents: In vivo and silico computational approachdoi:10.1002/eng2.12831Apeh, Victor OnukwubeOkafor, Kennedy ChineduChukwuma, Ifeoma Felicia...
annuaand namedAaWRKY40. A putative nuclear localization domain was identified in silico and experimentally confirmed by using protoplasts ofA. annuatransiently transformed withAaWRKY40-GFP. A genome-wide analysis identified 122WRKYgenes inA. annua, and a manually curated database was obtained. The ...