(IC50=2.0µg/mL) with low toxicity even at high concentrations. In the same study pure artemisinin was found to be inactive at 25µg/mL whereas anArtemisia afrainfusion, known not to contain artemisinin, was also found to be highly active against HIV. According toWu et al. (2001)...
Another Artemisia EO with antibacterial activity is that of African Artemisia afra Jacq. [46]. Artemisia arborescens (Vaill.) L. is a perennial evergreen woody shrub that is widespread in the Mediterranean area (Italy and North Africa) and also in the Pacific areas of North America. Scientific...
The genus Artemisia belongs to the family Asteraceae, which is one of the most prominent disseminated genera comprising of 500 diverse kinds found in Northern temperate regions of North America, Europe, and Asia (Bora and Sharma2011). The generic name ‘Artemisia’ is derived from ‘Artemis,’ ...
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd is a well-known medicinal plant of South Africa, where it is known as "wilde als". It is widely used for numerous ailments including colds, coughs, diabetes, heartburn, bronchitis and asthma [7]. Artemisia annua L. ("sweet wormwood", "qinghao") has ...
A. afra essential oil is exceptionally variable and its composition depends on its geographical origin. For example, Ethiopian oil yields artemisyl acetate and yomogi alcohol as the dominant constituents, while those of South African origin contain 1,8-cineole, α- and β-thujone, as well as ...
As such, we next used the search engine to search for <Artemisia, diabetes>, which yielded 2300 hits, but the first hit was on anti-diabetic plants used in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and contained the plant name of Artemisia afra Jacq. (Asteraceae) [21]. Concentrating on the ...
H OH metabolites OH Review Secondary Metabolites Isolated from Artemisia afra and Artemisia annua and Their Anti-Malarial, Anti-Inflammatory and Immunomodulating Properties—Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: A Review Lahngong Methodius Shinyuy 1,2,3 , Gisèle E. Loe 3, Olivia Jansen 1, Lúcia ...
A double blind, randomized clinical trial with 957 malaria-infected patients had two treatment arms: 472 patients for artesunate-amodiaquine and 471 for Artemisia extracts (248 Artemisia annua, 223 Artemisia afra). Artesunate-amodiaquine-treated patients were treated per manufacturer posology, and ...