Artemis Bust Made with Compressed Marble Powder Statue In 3 Carts H 16.15 in W 14.18 in D 5.91 in Marble Simulated Bust of "Artemis", Greece, circa 1950s H 18 in W 7.25 in D 6.5 in Diana Bust in Terracotta, Artemis of Versailles, Early 20th Century H 29.53 in W 19.69 in D 13.78...
194,020, the highest total ever for sale in this category. The sale was 97.5 % sold by lot and 99.9% sold by value, with 88.8% of the lots exceeding their high estimate.
巴西灰色耶稣雕像(gray Jesus statue in Brazil) 救世主巴西(Christ the Redeemer Brazil) 玩站2 - 游牧民族的灵魂和世界徒-克里斯托弗 ·(PlayStation 2 - Soul Nomad and the World Eaters - Christophe) 国外经典漫画风横版RPG游戏人物动作全套素材 71张 墨西哥圣克里斯托巴尔(mexico-san-cristobal-de-las...