The question guiding this research was: what characterizes a work of art as Afro-Brazilian? To answer this question, a qualitative research with a bibliographic design was carried out to analyze the transformations of the concept of Afro-Brazilian art throughout history. The results ...
A atividade “Abordagem Geral sobre o Universo Percussivo Baiano – Método UPB por Letieres Leite” tem como objetivo aproximar o grande público da música de matriz afro-brasileira e… Check out Paints on Amazon: Sayings: "Quality is not an act, is a habit." Aristotle Newsletter: ...
Contudo, a Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia mantém a indicação de profilaxia de EI em doentes de alto risco com ampicilina 2 g associada a gentamicina 1,5 mg/kg uma hora antes do parto. Em doentes alérgicas, a penicilina é substituída pela vancomicina na dose de 1 g21. ...
Apoio jurados:Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte – ABCA, Itaú Cultural, Association of Art Museum Curators (AAMC), International Association of Women’s Museums (IAWM); Parceria e colaboração:Colectivo de Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos da Udelar....
Guided by Afro-Brazilian dances, this paper presents the work carried out at Furnas do Dionisio school, at the Jaraguari-MS quilombola's community, with the methodology proposed by the Research Group on Popular Brazilian Dances Renda que Roda, of the State Univer...
process of creation from the artist withfocus on the representation of orixás allowed us to evidencethe relationship established between the procedures used bythe artist to produce his sculptures, the materials used in hiswork, the relationship of works and religion, with cultureand afro-Braz...
Muhcab opens the door to a star. This Saturday (11 February), the Museum of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, maintained by the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Rio, receives a huge canvas with the image of Gloria Maria, made by the muralistE...
Promotional arts:Afrobela Production:Ingrid Rosemary Press Office:Bruno Motta Mello and Verônica Domingues – Fática Agency This project was contemplated by the Program for the Valorization of Cultural Initiatives of the Municipality of São Paulo - VAI. ...