They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-processing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. The images can be used free of charge, up to a maximum of ten images per application. - ART NOUVEAU DESIGNS...
Mots clés : Léonard de Vinci, paysage du portrait de Mona Lisa, La Joconde, carte Val di Chiana, perception, perspective topographique, cartographie, jeu de mots visuel, vision binoculaire, stéréoscopie All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. —Leonardo da V...
by Benoît Montigné, Sonore Visuel> sound-vibes-arts-pla...pdf ( PDF, 1.15 MB ) + 07/26/2019 | Sound Vibesby Wall Street International Magazine, Wall Street International Magazine> sound-vibes-galerie...