to peasant, to dying soldier, to old woman, to monk, they transgress [go beyond the limits of, and become an aspect of something else] what is normally seen and recognised of what Erwin Goffman calls ‘facework’,1 our interaction through our face with the outside world. They go beyond...
The first result is not great. The AI has given me a generic tower rather than a recognisable minaret. There is no sense that we are in Istanbul and, worst of all, the cat’s face is grotesquely embedded into the brickwork of the tower itself. This is my first lesson of AI image ge...
”she said. “If he came home from set not in his wardrobe, we would be very concerned. Soaked in mud, fake blood, real blood, prosthetic scars, superhero suits, tap shoes, or clown makeup — daddy always comes home.”
Other cardiac conditions for which prophylaxis is reasonable are when the patient has a history of previous infective carditis and in cases where prosthetic material was used for valve repair. Patients with anatomical malformations, such as bicuspid aortic valve and mitral valve prolapse, do not ...