The ART Sync provides an excellent venue to synchronize dependencies and handoffs. Additionally, establishing direct communication across teams that have dependencies helps sort out implementation details. Optimize the structure of teams. Excessive dependencies and handoffs often suggest a poorly structured ...
Briefing Agile Teams and stakeholders about upcoming features and capabilities for PI Planning Removing backlog items that are no longer relevant Refinement activities often occur during the PO Sync. A well-maintained backlog is essential for a successful PI Planning event. ...
Ensure that everyone stays connected by having a persistent chat channel available for coaches and visitors throughout the event, and pre and post syncs to reflect on the insights gained. Tip: If you consider bringing in an SPC as a coach or consultant, deeply explore their field experience....
private final SyncFailsafe<Object> safeService = Failsafe .with(circuitBreaker) .withFallback(() -> DEFAULT_VALUE); @PostConstruct public void init() { circuitBreaker.onOpen(() -> LOG.warn("Circuit breaker opened")); circuitBreaker.onClose(() -> LOG.warn("Circuit breaker closed")...
ART Sync,或单个Scrum of Scrum和PO Sync会议 检查与调整(I&A)研讨会 这种提前公告可以减少差旅和设施成本,并有助于确保大多数利益相关者能够参与。一旦确定了项目群日程表,就可以安排团队事件了,每个团队可以确定其日常会议、迭代计划、演示和回顾的时间和地点。列车上的所有团队应该使用相同的迭代开始和结束日期,这...