因果循環 圓滿 妒嫉 宇宙 安詳 完美瑜伽 知識課程,愛的金玉良言,瑜伽 尋道 形相 心智 心靈 悲苦的根源 愚蠢,你是誰,啟明, 愛 慾望 挑戰 明辨 時間 月圓靜心 服務 本性 朿縛 淨化呼吸 潔淨 無神論者 狂躁 生活的藝術開始 真理 知識 神 神性 統合 美國太空總署 臣服 衝突 解脫 貪婪 靈性 靈性路 靜心 靜心...
Natures Destiny and The Art of Living June 24, 2015 // 0 Hello and welcome… Thank you for visiting ~ AT THE HUB ~ The material below is a series of chapters for study and development associated with Café-Satsang. The content is in ongoing editorial development subject to continued res...
Natures Destiny and The Art of Living June 24, 2015 // 0 Hello and welcome… Thank you for visiting ~ AT THE HUB ~ The material below is a series of chapters for study and development associated with Café-Satsang. The content is in ongoing editorial development subject to continued res...
CFAAE.com itself is living art… Practical Peace in daily living…Life is more than being busy and paying bills… Feel welcome to share your words, your love for life, your time/resources… for something we don’t know yet: Holger@cfaae.com Visit the Garden Of Friends Let’s not was...
Practical Peace in Daily Living Center For Art & Education “Embrace with your heart what mind cannot understand.” Life is a gift, a mystery; not a problem to be solved. Happiness is our true nature, but we resist what is. Unknowingly we resist Life and hold onto the familiarity of a...
Practical Peace in Daily Living Center For Art & Education “Embrace with your heart what mind cannot understand.” Life is a gift, a mystery; not a problem to be solved. Happiness is our true nature, but we resist what is. Unknowingly we resist Life and hold onto the familiarity of a...
Early sketch of the Muni meeting Ramana. However, there were also my wishes and requirements – to “magick a Ramana Centre” (house for us) – the same old story, using the props. The house didn’t happen, we couldn’t raise the money, and I went on living where I am now, and ...
bhajans,live satsang,rishi nityapragya,so what project Shambho!!! In唱場on21 九月, 2011at5:52 下午 Shiva Shambho Shambho by Rishi Nityapragyaji So What Project – Smile -Electronic Version from AoL Argentina :http://www.elartedevivir.org Live...
立念意味著立定意向. 去年未能完成的, 祈求今年得以完成. 立下你會做的和不會做的念. Shiva Shambho Shambho by Rishi Nityapragyaji So What Project – Smile -Electronic Version from AoL Argentina :http://www.elartedevivir.org Live with Guruji in Montreal Ashram ...
Live with Guruji in Montreal Ashram 當你不知道和諧時, 生命是掙扎. 萬物表面是相互衝突. 五種元素相互衝突. 火與水不容, 水與火不容, 風與火不合,反之亦然. 在創造界之五個元素, 其實是四元素, 第五個只是見証者 – 所有四種元素都在相互衝突之中. ...