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In India, as well as in other countries, wise saintly persons of the past studied this problem—the problem of human suffering—and found a solution: if something unwanted happens and you start to react by generating anger, fear or any negativity, then, as soon as possible, you should dive...
The article focuses on the survey by the journal "India Today" and Nielsen Co. which shows that Lady Shri Ram College (LSR) has retained its top position as the best arts college in India for three consecutive years. It says that several academics, politicians and ...
“The Art of Living offers an exit ramp from the madness of modern-day overdrive, and just might let us grasp the heaven on Earth.”—The Chicago Tribune A revered spiritual leader’s legacy lives on in this wise and rich spiritual guide that shows us how finding true nirvana—existing ...
Vipassana is such a remedy. No one will object to a code of living which respects the peace and harmony of others. No one will object to developing control over the mind. No one will object to developing insight into one's own nature, by which it is possible to free the mind of nega...
The Art of Living 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 S.N.葛印卡(S.N.Goenka),祖籍印度,1924年出生于缅甸,是一位遵照缅甸已故佛教大师乌巴庆长者传统的内观传授老师。l955年,葛印卡开始跟随乌巴庆长者学习内观技巧。后经乌巴庆长者长达十四年的指导,葛印卡于1969年开始移居印度传授内观法门。 葛印卡在印度及其他...
The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation Everyone seeks peace and harmony, because this is what we lack in our lives. From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, disharmony. And when we suffer from these miseries, we don't keep them to ourselves; we often distribute...
The most fascinating stories and films on India’s history, arts and living culture. Discover over 5000 ‘Stories That Make India’
Longitudinal Findings on Changes in and the Link Between HIV-Related Communication, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Relationship Status in Men Who Have Sex With Men Living With HIV Reducing the risk of HIV transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM) is a national health priority. This study...
生活的艺术---葛印卡老师讲于瑞士伯恩(Theartofliving-- teacherBournespeaksinSwitzerland) Theartofliving--teacherBournespeaksinSwitzerland Everyoneseekspeaceandharmony,becausethisiswhatwelack inourlives.Therearemomentsinlifewhenwefeelanxious, upset,dissonant,andmiserable;butwedonotconfineourpain toourselves,but...