The Art of Jasper Johns 贾斯帕·琼斯的艺术 | 佳作书签 220103基于对贾斯帕·琼斯作品极为细心而富于独创性的理解,约翰·邱着眼于艺术家的开创性绘画是如何与当下的现实生活紧密相结合的?这一当下生活的存在,就是他们所认为的,在平凡的生命世界中及时行乐。在过去的半个世纪里,关于琼斯作品的艺术评论陷入到这样...
Jim Dine:This Goofy Life of Constant Mourning/吉姆·戴恩:这种持续哀悼的愚蠢生活 ¥280 Illustrators' Sketchbooks / 插画家的素描本 ¥224 People Apart: 1950s Cape Town Revisited、Photographs by Bryan Heseltine / 分离的人们:重访上世纪五十年代的开普敦 ¥120 Nicomachean Ethics 亚里士多德《...
In a brilliantly attentive and original reading of Jasper Johns’s work, John Yau focuses his attention on how the artist’s pioneering paintings relate to life as it is lived-and on what they tell us about what it means to be mortal and alive in time. Along the way, Yau clears a muc...
Intaglio in 4 colors 41 3/4 × 81 in | 106 × 205.7 cm Edition of 44 1998 贾斯珀·琼斯(Jasper Johns) 1930年生于美国奥古斯塔 ,是一位战后艺术家,创作主要与抽象表现主义、波普艺术、新达达主义有关。 贾斯珀·琼斯(Jasper Johns) 第一个经过验证的展览是1957年在纽约Leo Castelli Gallery画廊举办的群...
Jasper Johns, American painter and graphic artist who is generally associated with the Pop art movement. Johns’s paintings often depict commonplace two-dimensional subjects such as flags, targets, maps, numbers, and letters of the alphabet, all readily
Jasper Johns又名 贾斯伯·琼斯, 是一位艺术家。 分享
Jasper Johns又名 贾斯伯·琼斯, 是一位艺术家。
Jasper Johns又名 贾斯伯·琼斯, 是一位艺术家。。出生日期:1930年。数据来自当代艺术数据库ARTLINKART;
View a list of gallery exhibitions, auctions, and art fairs featuring works by Jasper Johns. Find international art events by keyword, date, or location on artnet.
Jasper Johnsis an artist..Date of Birth:1930.ARTLINKART is an online database project for Chinese contemporary art;