Here in the Cleveland, Ohio area, it's getting cold. Very, very cold. I guess that week or so of springtime... read more The Talavera Mugs That Never Ever Run Dry! When I first unwrapped these mugs - I couldn't believe how large they were - yes - they are huge! I'm really.....
Cleveland Football Set Of Two Paintings Dog Engravings Cowboys Air Poster Band Large Composition With Masks 1970s Outdoor Sculpture Black Babies Tree Flora Green War Irish Childrens Play Blocks Porch Windows Gerald Rose Early 19th Century Family Portrait ...
Guilds were established in her honour and still today on April 27th, families bake a loaf of bread and gather in celebration of Saint Zita. I notice that she’s portrayed with a bundle of keys and is the saint to invoke if indeed you’ve lost yours. Not possible for us – the iron ...
There’s a bowl of fruit, but Jesus is more of a fish and bread guy, right? But what’s that shadow on the table? Is that a fishtail? Yep: the painting is meant to depict a resurrected Jesus, meeting with his disciples before disappearing mysteriously. The fishtail is on...
… of bread, wine, cars, security and peace (group)03.08 - 05.08Kunsthalle Wien (Museumsquartier) (Vienna, Austria) (1)(9)(11) Toma Stenko - How Love Feels (solo)03.09 - 03.21Katrine Levin Galleries (London (England), United Kingdom) (1)(4) Ella Kruglyanskaya - This is a Robbery...
There’s a bowl of fruit, but Jesus is more of a fish and bread guy, right? But what’s that shadow on the table? Is that a fishtail? Yep: the painting is meant to depict a resurrected Jesus, meeting with his disciples before disappearing mysteriously. The fishtail is on...
It’s the best option: too expensive by air, the cheapest flight routed me through Ft Lauderdale FL; two days by train, overnight from Washington DC to Cleveland OH. So, it’s by car, up and over the mountains of West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. ...
It was during my last visit to Madrid, Spain, in the enchanting company of my late wife Carina and my two daughters, that we enjoyed the pleasure of day trips to the city of Toledo and also to El Escorial.Monasterio y Sitio de El Escorialas it is known in Spanish is a vast grey gr...
Bread Bandits Manifesto Electric Possible Concert Series Electric Possible–2003 Show Log Electric Possible–2004 Show Log Electric Possible–2005 Show Log Electric Possible–2006 Show Log Electric Possible–2007 Show Log Electric Possible–2008 Show Log ...
Are there any hidden clues? There’s a bowl of fruit, but Jesus is more of a fish and bread guy, right? But what’s that shadow on the table? Is that a fishtail? Yep: the painting is meant to depict a resurrected Jesus, meeting with his disciples before disappearing myst...