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Art Nouveau is an artistic movement that began to emerge all over the world beginning in the 19th century. More specifically, it was especially popular between the years 1890 and 1914. This style of art is characterized by natural forms and a real sense of movement. Some of the famous ...
The right of use of the interior images was granted by Horta museum. 在欧洲真正提出变革建筑形式信号的是19世纪80年代始于比利时布鲁塞尔的新艺术运动(Art Nouveau)。——《外国近现代建筑史》,罗小未,第二版,P33。 19世纪末,在经历了经济的昌盛和工业的繁荣后,比利时一个正在崛起的新社会阶层召唤着年轻、勇...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Art Nouveau at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Art Deco Interior Design Style The art deco style was trendy in Europe and America, especially during the golden age of the 1920s and 1930s. Compared to the minimalist movement nowadays, the art nouveau or deco movement inspired by nature is considered a stark contrast. The move was not lim...
Art Nouveau is “New Art” in French; it’s a decorative style that reached its peak internationally in the 1890’s. The style was given different names in each country but they were all variations of “New Art”. It also had very different characteristics depending on the country where th...
新艺术运动(Art Nouveau)是19世纪末至20世纪初,在艺术、建筑和应用美术领域风靡欧洲的一个艺术运动。它在不同的语言圈子里被冠以不同的称谓[2]。新艺术运动流行的年代与法语文化圈中的 "美好时代"(La Belle Époque,1980-1914)[3]相吻合,因此加布里埃莱·法尔·贝克尔(Gabriele Fahr-Becker)在著作中正式将1914...
Art Nouveau designers used abstract elements of the Rococo Style such as shell textures to their designs, of which this Ariel Bed has taken inspiration from. It also combines an element of mid-century design with its clean lines and tapered legs which marries beautifully with its curvace...
Victor, Baron Horta was an outstanding architect of the Art Nouveau style, who ranks with Henry van de Velde and Paul Hankar as a pioneer of modern Belgian architecture. Horta began his studies in architecture in 1873 at the Académie des Beaux-Arts and