Jobs in creative industries, including arts, advertising, culture, design, education, games, music, TV & film and performing arts.
Jobs in creative industries, including arts, advertising, culture, design, education, games, music, TV & film and performing arts.
Given below are the latest jobs openings in the field of art. Adjunct Faculty - Art History Job in The Art Institutes [Chicago, IL] Museum Technician (Art) Job in National Gallery of Art [Washington, DC] Art Gallery Assistant Job in Nuburry Art Gallery [Boston, MA] Art Teacher Jo...
Responsibilities: Want more jobs like this? GetArtsjobsinLos Angeles, CAdelivered to your inbox every week. Send me The Muse newsletters for the best in career advice and job search tips. By signing up, you agree to ourTerms of Service&Privacy Policy. ...
ARTJOBS, over the years, has established collaborations and partnerships with publications, galleries, talent agencies, auction houses, public and private institutions to continue to discover and promote the best talents from the arts & creative industries. Artist Of The Month A competition established...
Art Director CareerArt Director InterviewArt Director ResumeArt Director Jobs Total 639 Salaries. Sorted by Date, page 1 Ranked By:SalaryCompanyCityDate CompanySalariesCityYearMore info Apple96,283-148,554Cupertino, CA, 950142018Apple Art Director Salaries(25) ...
Having one of the biggest jobs in the entire Art world, I can’t begin to imagine how busy Sheena Wagstaff was. But, here she is looking at a very large work by Ursula von Rydingsvard at Galerie Lelong & Co., April, 2018. She still took the time to make the rounds of the ...
I learned a lot from this job as well as my supervisor and grew greatly as a professional from the experience.It helped to have great co-workers though, working with other depts. felt like a team as opposed to the "every man for themselves" vibe I've gotten from other jobs. ...
That means there’s a lot of competition for these jobs. It serves to reason that an Artist seeking such employment would have an edge all other things being equal. And maybe that’s why the quality in After Hours was so high.I was impressed with After Hours to the point that I saw ...
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