ReadingandThinkingLearnaboutdifferentpaintingstylesinWesternart Loveofbeautyistaste.Thecreationofbeautyisart.对美的喜爱是品味。对美的创造是艺术。——沃尔多·爱默生 Teachingobjectives:Bytheendofthisperiod,youwillbeableto1.knowmoreaboutdifferentpaintingstylesinWesternart.2.figureoutthemainideaandthetextorganization3...
所以很多人把“美术”理解为“画画”。作为一个英语老师,我考了考我的学生:“美术”英语怎么说?不出所料,大部分人都回答说“painting”或者“drawing”。 但“美术”的真实英文说法是“fine art”,为什么英语母语人士把“美术”称为“好...
A new group of young artists began to produce work that challenged the accepted idea of what art is and the role the artist should play in society. This group came to be known as the YBAs—the Young British Artists. The art of the YBAs does not just stick to painting and sculpture....
Ithinkthatartisanythingthatsomeonehascreatedandisbeautifulorproducesemotioninsideus.Artisnotjustpaintinganddrawing.Itcanbephotography,orcooking,ormusic,ordancing,orplayingasport.Ifitisdonewithskillandmovestheviewer,thenIthinkitisart.Loveofbeautyistaste.Thecreationofbeautyisart.—RalphWaldoEmerson 对美的喜爱是品味...
( )1. Drawing and painting in the A. music room B. art room()2. Reading in the A. library B. playground()3. We exercise on the on Fridays. A. playground B. classroom()4. We have in the music room. A.Art B.Music()5. We do in the library. B. reading A. singing 相关...
In Singapore, art is more than what meets the eye.Galleries and museums here are not just places to be inspired, but also homes to distinctive souvenirs.Take home well-designed pieces that reflect your personality.Singapore Tyler Print Institute (STPI)41 Robertson Quay, Singapore 238236.+65 ...
四、单项选择。( B )1. Drawing and painting in the A. music room B. art room( A )2. Reading in the A. library B. playground( A )3. We exercise on the on Fridays. A. playground B. classroom( B )4. We have in the music room. A. Art B. Music( B )5. We do in the li...
As a qualified teacher of art and design, Theresa Harwood offers short online courses on drawing and painting to help students both young and old develop into confident artists. Academic drawing course This course is for beginners of any age who are not sure on what to do or how to use a...