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This may be one of the best guides I have ever come across regarding thumbnail sketching from an instructor at RISD. I’m a big fan of the artist who draws the Metropolitan Diary drawings, so I enjoyed this piece on what the Metropolitan Diary taught its illustrator about New York. Here’...
As an artist, Gallery Management Instructor, Gallery Director, Independent Curator, and Special Exhibitions Coordinator for City art museums, college art galleries, and commercial galleries in California & Utah, and for private collections, Klepper has been involved in producing over 200 professional art...
Today was my session of the “Meet & Shoot” class I co-teach with several other instructors at Photoworks. The class is a five or six session workshop on street photography where each instructor takes a group of students out for a guided photography excursion to a location of their choosin...
You know what, I really do think this is it. After forty something years of life, three different continents anda myriad of jobsranging from martial arts instructor to waitress to casting co-ordinator and photography producer, I think I’ve finally found my groove. My place to stay, my hap...
The ballroom dance instructor had noticed the Hawaiian legend in magazines and once established on the island and teaching dance at The Royal Hawaiian Hotel, she reported that her first meeting with Duke was love at first sight! I can only imagine the delight when at age 71, Duke starts yet...
Discover a fitness instructor who is well-qualified and has great deals of certificates to show they’re great at they’re job. Find a trainer who will certainly offer you lots of friendly motivation so that you stay on track. These points are all partly valid however realistically, unless ...
Then the bride’s mom and the Kallah instructor (the bride has a special female escort and instructor of the laws of family purity…well save that one for another time) handed a crystal bowl filled with chocolate pudding??? and two candles to Bat’El. They each lit a candle. They then...
As an artist, Gallery Management Instructor, Gallery Director, Independent Curator, and Special Exhibitions Coordinator for City art museums, college art galleries, and commercial galleries in California & Utah, and for private collections, Klepper has been involved in producing over 200 professional art...
Have you ever wanted to sketch and draw with somewhat minimal help form an instructor who is busy prepping cups of ramen for the rest of the students? If the answer is yes, then join us for a night of Noodles & Doodles! • Registration Required ...