art是一个英文单词,全称为antiretroviral therapy,中文译为抗逆转录病毒治疗。它是一种针对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的治疗手段。art病例是指接受了art治疗的HIV感染患者。art治疗的原理是通过使用不同种类和不同作用机制的药物,共同抑制HIV病毒在体内的复制和繁殖,从而达到减少体内病毒负载,保持或恢复...
近日, 美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的一个研究团队发布了一篇文章,这篇文章主要探讨了即使在进行了数十年的抗逆转录病毒治疗后,患者体内可诱导、可感染的HIV-1的潜伏储备并没有减少的现象。这一发现对于HIV治疗和研究具有重要意义,因为它强调了消除HIV潜伏储备的挑战性。而在此前(2003年),该团队曾根据HIV共存者启动...
[3] Phillips A N, Stover J, Cambiano V, et al. Impact of HIV drug resistance on HIV/AIDS-associated mortality, new infections, and antiretroviral therapy program costs in sub–Saharan Africa[J]. The Journal of infectious diseases, 2017, 215(9): 1362-1365. [4] WHO. HIV drug resistance...
High cholesterolis common if you have HIV.Statinsare drugs that lower yourcholesterol levels. They lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes. They also keep plaque in your blood vessels stable so they don’t form clots. Doctors will often use statins to treat high cholesterol in people who...
[3]Gandhi M, Hickey M, Imbert E, et al. Demonstration Project of Long–Acting Antiretroviral Therapy in a Diverse Population of People With HIV. Ann Intern Med. 2023;176(7):969–974. doi:10.7326/M23–0788 来源:《感染医线》 凡署名原创...
48周后发生28例心血管事件。在调整了年龄、糖尿病史、高血压或基线血脂异常、心血管疾病家族史、吸烟状况、基线CD4计数和HIV-1 RNA等因素后,体重变化与心血管事件无关。 上述结果在WC中也观察到类似趋势。 研究结论 ART开始后第一年的体重、身体组分...
在2022年10月23~26日举行的第30届格拉斯哥艾滋病药物治疗大会(HIV Glasgow 2022)的The Evidence for Same Day ARV Therapy口头报告专场中,首都医科大学附属佑安医院研究团队汇报的一项随机对照研究显示,必妥维(BIC/FTC/TAF)用于中国HIV感染者快速启动ART是安全有效的。
The use of ART in HIV treatment has resulted in increased patient longevity and drug toxicity. The aim of this study was to devise a method for quantifying patient medications. We introduced the concept of a medication (reed) score that represents the ratio of amount of medication taken to ...
根据美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)下属的国家过敏与传染病研究所(NIAID)专家在JAMA期刊上发表的一篇标题为“Durable Control of HIV Infection in the Absence of Antiretroviral Therapy”的评论文章,实现HIV感染持续缓解而不进行终身的抗逆转录病毒药物(ART)治疗是HIV研究的重中之重。
ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) The medicines that treat HIV are called antiretroviral drugs. There are more than two dozen of them, and they fall into nine main types. Each drug fights the virus in your body in a slightly different way. Research shows that a combination, or "cocktail," of ...