CNBC: The Art of Appreciation (2024) Home 1 of 1 CNBC: The Art of Appreciation (2024)
Art AppreciationRomanesque cathedral
Laivi Poder笔下的乡村四季,炊烟袅袅
Art Appreciation ArtAppreciation 西方1718世纪美术史 学院派 巴洛克 现实主义 学院派Academy •“学院”一词最初含有“正规”,走正路不走邪路的意思。学院派排斥一切粗俗的艺术语言,要求高尚端庄,温文尔雅,反对激烈的个性表现,讲求理智与共性。如何才能走正道,在学院派看来就是重视传统,向传统学习,因而学院派...
Art appreciation大卫.霍克尼 大卫.霍克尼画里的春天
Art Appreciation西方17 18世纪美术史现实主义学院派巴洛克学院派Academy“学院”一词最初含有“正规”,走正路不走邪路的意思。学院派排斥一切粗俗的艺术语言,要求高尚端庄,温文尔雅,反对激烈的个性表现,讲求理智与共性。如何才能走正道
Western art appreciation Art appreciation teaching aims to improve students' aesthetic ability and art connotation and style of appreciation, is indispensable in the school of fine arts teaching. In the art appreciation teaching, teaching received more appreciation method application is bound to make a...
Basic human instinct for harmony, balance, rhythm.Art at this level is not an action or an object, but an internal appreciation of balance and harmony (beauty), and therefore an aspect of being human beyond utility. Imitation, then, is one instinct of our nature. Next, there is the insti...
Art Appreciation Sep 12, 2022 Styles - Very broad topic - It takes a semester to fully understand the topic - Example: avante garde, There are seven artistic period in the book from the Greek to modern style. Greek Golden age (500BC-410BC) ...
名画appreciation赏析artshantupainting 名画赏析 Art appreciation •山水画 landscape painting •人物画 figure painting •花鸟画 flower and-bird painting "The qingming festival on the painting" 《千里江山图》"Trinidad Jiang Shantu" The first four beauties of ancient China, xi shi 《牌场作弊》"Th...