A masterpiece is a work of exceptional quality that is considered the greatest achievement of an artist or a period in art history. What are some famous masterpieces from different art movements and periods? Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance) The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh (...
A brief introduction to art: History Lascaux Cave Paintings, France What do you know about art? Music r Dancing Painting Literature A brief introduction to art: Art forms Sculpture Opera …A Architecture Movie ... What do you know about art? A brief introduction to art: The significance of...
a long history 5. adding (add) that peoples purpose of making knot is to mean good luck,happiness,love and so on.Some knots are often used 6. to express (express) good wishes.There are many types of Chinese knots whose elegant patterns often leave people 7. amazed (amaze).Some used ...
DearHenry,I'mLiHua.I'mwritingto①inviteyoutoseetheChinesepapercuttingexhibition.It isaChinesefolkartwithalonghistory.Theexhibition②willbeheldintheCityMuseum,③locatedinthenorthofourcity.ItwillstartfromJune16thandlastformorethanaweek.④It'ssaidthatalargenumberofpapercutworksbyexpertsthroughoutChinawill⑤be...
Unit7ArtLesson2BeijingOpera BeijingOperaisaclassicformofChineseperformanceart,whichcombinesthemusicofChineseinstruments,singing,miming(模仿),dancingandhistory.BeijingOperaaroseinthelate18thcentury,andbythe19thcentury,theartformwaspopularthroughoutthecountry.Today,itisregardedasoneoftheChina’sculturaltreasures.Q1:...
一轮复习课件 | 2024高三英语人教版选择性必修三Unit1 art单元复习 “拓普英语屋” (有惊喜:平时喜欢网上购物的朋友,这里有比较实惠的生活日常用品)。
I6.(treat) to the steamed white fish,a well-known dish served atmost7.(restaurant) in Wuzhen.It tasted so good.But I think it is the mix of culture and food that makes it so outstanding.After lunch,we continued our walk,enjoying the sights and learning about its history,a history8....
theartist’sposition(地位)inthehistoryofart theartist’spaintingstyle theartist’sexperienceoflearningtopaint ChecktheAnswerstheartist’spositioninthehistoryofarttheartist’spaintingstyletheartist’sexperienceoflearningtopaintFromwhataspectsdoestheauthorintroduceZhangDaqianandPabloPicassointhefirsttwosections?