Many Art students find that drawing itself allows them to relax and thoughts to flow freely. You may wish to make a mind map in and around an observational drawing that sprawls across a page, in a fragmented, semi-complete way. As you think of possible ideas, these could be scrawled upo...
These International GCSE Art sketchbook pages were created by Nikau Hindin, while at ACG Parnell College, Auckland, New Zealand. This page includes first-hand observational drawings of a still life arrangement and a handmade flax (harakeke) flower, made by Nikau. You may wish to view Nikau’...
Journals are low risk places to experiment : - Multiple solutions can be explored---Fluency - Ideas can be embellished---Elaboration Assessments: Criteria: Composition Development of ideas and media experimentation: demonstrate progression Craftsmanship: although not every entry must be complete, all sh...
Art annotations for GCSE examinations or other situations might seem difficult, but the pattern for writing them is actually pretty clear. Begin by examining the formal elements of design that comprise the work. If you are annotating your...
After choosing at least one art or design course post-GCSEs (A-level or BTEC or...), students think about applying at the end of Y12 or the start of Y13. There are three main routes. A. Foundation diploma in Art and Design (FAD). This is a one-year cou...
wonderful Mrs Aplin – told me it was a shame I didn’t continue on to GCSE art, and I assumed this was because she was kind and tactful. It occurs to me now she might have meant it, but it’s rather too late to ask. When we could choose a number of subjects for free general...
Starter of the day Book 1 page 2 Studio & AP. Writing Prompts 3/19/18 – 3/23/18. Starter of the day Is this art? WELCOME ART AND DESIGN GCSE. Starter of the day Book 1 Page 4 Week 3 Breadth 3&4. Wrt 105: practices of academic writing Memoir of an outlander Episo...
High quality research is that which provides convincing evidence and a systematic logical argument to support the findings. In some ways it can be seen to resemble, as my colleague Christopher Griffin pointed out, ‘a GCSE maths question’ in that a researcher needs to show ‘their working out...
“Digital Art is not real art, and you’re a fool for thinking so.” I was really peeved at first, after been training and studying digital art since I was 15 (28 now). Calling back to all the people I had to prove to, that I was actually painting and not just touching up photo...
Foundation Art, Design and Media Diplomas 12 2B.3 Entry requirements for the qualification Learners who enter with at least one of the following qualifications are likely to benefit more from the programme: • one Advanced GCE supported by three GCSE grades A* to C or equivalent • ...