座落于多伦多市市区中国城附近的安大略美术馆(Art Gallery of Ontario)简称AGO,是加拿大三个最著名美术馆其中的一个。美术馆因收藏有英国雕刻家亨利·摩尔(HenryMoore)的作品而在世界享有声誉,馆藏约有20座雕像(包括正门外那座供孩子钻爬的巨大青铜作品)。美术馆还收藏了超过1万6千幅自14世纪至现代的艺术创作、绘...
安大略美术馆(Art Gallery of Ontario,简称AGO)位于多伦多市中心的安省美术馆,是北美洲第八大艺术博物馆,馆区面积达45,000平方米。 藏品包括最多的加拿大艺术品收藏,还有从文艺复兴时期到巴洛克时期的艺术品,欧洲艺术、非洲艺术、大洋艺术,现当代艺术品也尽在收罗之中。藏品中最大的部分是照片,还有素描及印刷作品。...
安大略美术馆 Art Gallery of Ontario *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!安大略美术馆由一批私人艺术爱好者于1900年创办,收藏有公元前100年至今的八万多件艺术珍品。美术馆建筑本身也颇具设计感,登上顶层还能欣赏到多伦多城市的美景。 美术馆门前有一座青铜雕塑作品,这是著名的英国雕塑家亨利·摩尔创作的。而在正门北侧的水泥...
【Art Gallery of Ontario 推出 KAWS 全新展览书籍《KAWS: FAMILY》】 《KAWS: FAMILY》旨在对 KAWS 的创作过程和影响力提供新的见解,共有 156 页,配有完整插图,以庆祝上述展览。本书不仅收录了 KAWS 在 AGO ...
art gallery of ontario 读音:美英 art gallery of ontario基本解释 安省美术馆 分词解释 art艺术 gallery画廊,走廊 Ontario安大略湖(北美洲中东部)(美国和加拿大共有的湖) art gallery of ontario是什么意思 art gallery of ontario怎么读 art gallery of ontario在线翻译 art gallery of ontario中文意思 art ...
Over the dozen or so years of its existence the Artist in Residence (AiR) program at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) has brought numerous emerging and established artists into the daily workings of the museum, inviting resident artists to explore and engage with...
The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) played it up at its annual fundraiser Art Bash! The sold-out event, presented by Tricon Residential, brought 900 AGO supporters together raising a record $1.1 million to support the museum’s collections, exhibitions and access programs. This fundraising ...
gallerywasahome(TheGrange)builtaround1817,located onthesouthsideoftheAGOfacingGrangePark(Figure1). Infall2008,theArtGalleryofOntarioreceivedwideacclaim whenitsrecentrenovationandaddition,designedbyFrank Gehry,wasopenedtothepublic.Theworkinvolvedthe renovationofexistingspacesandtheadditionof9,016m ...
1【题目】T he Art Gallery of Ontario has theworld's largest _(收藏品) of sculptures byHenry Moore . 2The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest___(收藏品) of sculptures by Henry Moore. 3 The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world’s largest ___(收藏品) of sculptures by ...
X-ray fluorescence instrument set up for the scan of La Miséreuse accroupie, with Emeline Pouyet of Northwestern University (left) and Sandra Webster-Cook of the Art Gallery of Ontario. © Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) AUSTIN, TEXAS, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- An international team of scient...