英国艺术基金会会员卡 National Art Pass National Art Pass这张卡是英国Art Fund(艺术基金会)发行的,该基金会是一个为购买艺术品筹资资金的慈善机构,目前购买的艺术作品包括了毕加索的《哭泣的女人》和委拉斯盖兹的《镜前的维纳斯》等。 有了它之后,...
The article reports that the Art Fund, a charity, is searching for an advertising agency to take on a brief in an effort to increase its membership and raise revenues. The charity has planned to increase its membership from 80,000 to 100,000. Hooper Galton, OgilvyOne and Lunar have been...
广告品牌:Art Fund 发布日期:2003-06 行业领域:通信服务,生活服务,NGO,其他,公共事业 媒体类别:图文,海报/平面 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:Partners Andrews Aldridge,London,United Kingdom ...
Our Fall 2024 Art Market Update analyzes key trends driving the global art market. Discover insights on how collectors can navigate the current market.
With the pay packets of hedge fund managers and financial advisors taking a massive hit due to the financial crisis, there is little interest in the middle market works. The super rich are still rich enough to not have to compromise and settle for middle market works and the modestly well ...
As part of the broader EU reform of consumer protection, the UK has implemented a number of legislative changes substantially strengthening consumer rights. One of…Read More » Considering the murky world of AIFMD and its impact on art fund managers ...
Prize:Total prize fund of £100,000, with £55,000 spread across six categories. Entry Fee:Free Requirements:Open to artists worldwide. Closing Date:March 17, 2024 Run by architecture and design collective Archisource, Drawing of the Year recognizes excellence in drawing and image creation,...
helped launch the Belgian fashion brand Verlaine in 2005. Born in Belgium, she now lives in New York with her husband and three young children. An avid art collector herself, she works with a wide range of artists, museums and institutions, and serves on the Board of Art Production Fund....
Thanks to Kaitlen Hannah Baby Boutique, trust fund babies and their parents will find just getting you down? Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet is the UK’s largest Designer Outlet with over 145 brands, “in a nutshell; OK, you win, we’d like to work together with you”. 80 Efforts at impr...
The Inujjuaq Jewellery Project was made possible thanks to the long-term loan of a building in Inujjuaq owned by Makivik Corporation as well as contributions from Kativik Regional Government’s Diversification Fund and Employment and Training program, and Kativik Local Development’s Socio-Economic ...