英国艺术基金会(Art Fund)是一个为购买艺术品筹资资金的慈善机构,游客可以通过办理National Art Pass成为会员,用优惠价参观博物馆。 该基金会下还有学生卡Student Art Pass,提供多达240个博物馆、画廊、历史故居和大型展览的免费、半价或折扣门票。它可以在英国各地使用,会员费仅为5英镑/年。 需要注意的是,学生艺术...
英国艺术基金会会员卡 | National Art Pass 英格兰艺术基金会的Art Fund / National Art Pass 国家艺术通行证,可算是在英国最多人申请的博物馆折扣卡了! 它的折扣覆盖范围甚广,单在伦敦就有多达25个入场费全免的场馆,例如肯辛顿宫(原票价£16)及狄更斯博物馆(原票价£10)。而大部分英格兰的博物馆及艺廊,包...
National Art Pass这张卡是英国Art Fund(艺术基金会)发行的,该基金会是一个为购买艺术品筹资资金的慈善机构,目前购买的艺术作品包括了毕加索的《哭泣的女人》和委拉斯盖兹的《镜前的维纳斯》等。 有了它之后,大家去英国大多数博物馆的艺术类展览,都能够享受到半价的优惠,还能够免费参观上百家博物馆/ 展览馆,包括...
Art Fund understood that for national expansion to be a success it would need to be rooted in robust evidence and insight. Our client wanted to know: –What shape the Student Art Pass should take –How they should launch it –How to make a compelling business case to new sponsors ...
ART FUND BOOST.The article announces that the membership-based British charity The Art Fund has reported a boost in membership in 2011 after the launch of several campaigns including the National Art Pass and the development of public artworks by the artist Yinka Shonibare....
Arkham data shows that a wallet belonging to failed hedge fund 3AC spent $59,000 on the Neon Village NFT from artist Seerlight. 3618 Follow up NFTs and blockchain bridge Ethiopia’s past and present in new art exhibition Jul 05, 2024 by Vittoria Benzine “Ethiopia at the Crossroads”...
本日よりART×fempass BeV コラボTシャツの再販、さらに新色追加🤎グッズ発売が開始されました〜!めちゃめちゃ可愛すぎるっ http://t.cn/A6OtRwjE お在庫あるうちにお早めにゲットしてねん!イベントで着てきてく...
Tezos Blockchain's Foundation Launches £1m Fund to Collect NFTs by African and Asian Artists - via The Art Newspaper news Rubell Museum to Bring Its Prestigious Contemporary Art Collection to Washington DC - via Desi... 13.05.2022 Rubell Museum to Bring Its Prestigious Contemporary Art ...
-- If the donor has a charitable vehicle, a Donor Advised Fund or private foundation, would it be more advantageous to make the charitable vehicle the owner of the art and any ultimate gift come from the DAF or foundation? -- One thing to take off the table is giving the art to an ...
We are grateful to the artists for permission to publish their work, and to the Havazelet Fund of the Educational and Cultural Institutions of HaShomer HaTza'ir and to the Ben-Gurion Research Center for making the publication of these posters possible. We are particularly grateful to the ...