... As a result, the art from the Gandharan region will show how regional location and influences affected this period"s sculpture, and the art from the Gupta Period will illustrate how aesthetic preferences of the culture influenced the sculpture of this period. ... While the Gandhara ...
However, some royal or aristocratic women did enjoy greater freedom and indulged in male-dominated activities. During the Gupta period (4th-6th century ), women held prominent positions in the administration of the state. There were women who were involved in political affairs in later times. Dur...
Gupta Period, 5th century. Who is depicted in this sculpture? This sculpture depicts Prince Siddhartha Gautama, better known to the world as The Buddha which in Sanskrit, the ancient classical language of the Indian sub-continent, means The Enlightened One. Who was the Buddha? The Buddha was ...
4. With reference to forced labour (Vishti) in India during the Gupta period, which one of the following statements is correct? (a) It was considered a source of income for the State, a sort of tax paid by the people. (b) It was totally absent in the Madhya Pradesh and Kathiawar ...
Gupta Dynasty in India is called as the Golden Age of the Indian History. With the decline ofKhushan Dynastymany foreign traders started to invade India from North and South. During this period GuptaDynasty came into existence which ruled for 300 years in India ...
Historically, no records exist but the female sculptures excavated during the Mauryan period had tikulis, cites Kautilya’s Arthshashtra. It thrived during the Sunga, Gupta and Pala periods, and gradually declined. However, a few artisans in the localities of Lodi Katra, Diwan Mohalla and Mal...
The Brihadisvara’s income in gold, silver and precious stones during the Chola period has been precisely evaluated. These vast resources were efficiently managed and provided not only for the upkeep and improvement of the buildings (which was continued until the 17th century) but also for real...
Indus Valley culture, Pillars of Ashoka, Ajanta Caves, Hindu sculpture of the Gupta Empire Elephanta Caves, Pallava, Pandya, Pala, Chandela, Chola and Mughal schools of plastic art. Classical Indian Painting (Up to 1150 CE) Ajanta, Bagh, Sigiriya, Badami, Panamalai, Sittanavasal, Tanjore...
•BuddhistarchitectureandsculpturethrivedintheSuiandTangdynasty.Ofwhich,theTangDynastywasparticularlyopentoforeigninfluence.Buddhistsculpturereturnedtoaclassicalform,inspiredbyIndianartoftheGuptaperiod.TowardsthelateTangdynasty,allforeignreligionswereoutlawedtosupportTaoism.HistoryoftheArt •IntheSongDynasty,paintingsof...
Explore Japan in the Muromachi age. Learn about the Muromachi period in Japanese history and the art, architecture, and painting style under the...