What is Art Deco? 图片 Art Deco风格,又称装饰艺术风格。Art Deco最早出现在工业兴起的时代,成熟于20世纪美国摩天大楼建设时期。 图片 Art Deco并不是单一风格的设计,而是受不同地域文化融合的影响而形成的混搭,其中包含了古埃及、玛雅、阿兹特克文化、古典主义、哥特风等多种文化元素,画风抽象、用色大胆。Art De...
今天我们要说的主角——Art Deco就属于后者,已存在近百年的它至今依然屹立时尚圈不倒。 Art Deco或许并不被普通人熟知,但在设计界却是无人不知无人不晓,甚至被不少设计师、艺术家奉为心中的缪斯,不少创作灵感都来源于此。 What is Art Deco? Art Deco即装饰艺术风格,它的名字要追溯到上世纪20年代。当时...
Art Deco风格常用元素:贵金属、乌木、皮草等材料,将奢华与时代符号表现得淋漓尽致,即便在今日,Art Deco也仍是最为奢华的设计元素。 What is 卡汀二代? 欧神诺2021新品:卡汀二代,沿袭了一贯的半手工精制工艺微妙的细节、幻想的繁荣,浓烈的色彩,如同对艺术的热情,成为Art Deco风格的最佳载体。 与娇贵的艺术品不同,...
也许是因为都以“Art”起头,装饰艺术(Art Deco)与新艺术运动(Art Nouveau)常常被人们混淆。尽管都发生在19、20世纪之交,但实际上,它们是拥有迥异表征、截然不同的两场设计运动。这篇简单的对比文也许不能让你成为一个设计史专家,但足以让你在朋友圈里装逼了。 Antoni Gaudí's Casa Batlló,新艺术运动的西班牙...
An art deco house offers a unique architectural design with asymmetry and color. Learn about different art deco-style homes and what to consider when buying.
It has left a notable legacy, however. ‘What is amazing is how Art Deco was interpreted by many different countries,’ says Alex Bass. ‘Notably for us in NYC, we have a lot of stunning examples of art deco architecture and design still intact, such as the Chrysler building which is ...
Art Deco, movement in decorative arts and architecture in Europe and the United States during the 1920s and ’30s. Its distinguishing features include simple, clean shapes, often with a streamlined look; ornament that is geometric or stylized from repres
玛格丽特公主 Art Deco 珍珠手链 Art Deco 手链在拍卖场上“抢风头”也不止这一次,在去年 9 月 Dix Noonan Webb 的拍卖中,原属于英国玛格丽特公主的 Art Deco 珍珠手链则以 10 倍估价成交,一条双排养殖珍珠手链拿下了 320,000 英镑的成绩。 玛格丽特公主的 Art Deco 珍珠手链 ...
What often comes to mind is images of pastel-colored buildings, tropical motives, sober nautical lines, rounded corners... and yes, this is all art deco. The Art Deco trend in Miami Beachhas evolved over the years and is a mix of modern ideas and tendencies that put together have ...
Part 4 - What is Art Moderne and Streamline Moderne? During the 1930s Art Deco made a slight transition into Art Moderne (also known as Streamline Moderne). Most people, including me, view it all under the Art Deco banner. Purists, however, like to be specific. The forms all pretty muc...