装饰艺术风格(Art Deco),又被译作装饰艺术派、艺术装饰风格等,起源于法国,兴盛于美国,发展于上海,是世界建筑史上一个重要的风格流派,以其富丽和新奇的现代感著称。 装饰艺术风格(Art Deco)演变自十九世纪末的Art Nouveau(新艺术)运动,是当时的Art Nouveau资产阶级追求感性(如花草动物的形体)与异文化元素(如东方的...
Art of the Roaring Twenties, the Art Deco style (1910-1939) is resolutely turned towards modernity, at a time when rhythms are accelerating. This is the architecture of Skyscrapers such as the Chrysler Bulding of New York (1928-1930), and the opulent int
混搭风格可以吸取新装饰风格的内容,但是新装饰风格是特定的一种风格,即现代人模仿1920s~30s Art Deco...
boast glass cabochons inanart deco-stylemosaic. brand.swarovski.com brand.swarovski.com Gian Paolo Maria 的 Dawn系列 套装由四件瑰丽的首饰组成︰线条流丽的饰链缀有黑色、暖棕色、红铜色和古铜色施华洛世奇元素的项链和耳环﹔ 圆拱形玻璃为亮点的手链和戒指,则采用了颇具装饰艺术风格的镶嵌工艺。
Art Deco Style?民国时期的平面设计这么潮吗? 经典是关乎岁月的故事,它是一针一线连缀出的华服,它是潜心等待酵制而成的佳酿,它也是锐意坚守而又不断创新科技的精神勋章。 放眼世界,到每一座城市,装饰艺术风格(Art Deco)都留下了它的足迹,用它独特的轻奢魅力,演绎着时代的印记和城市的繁华。
The Art Deco style encompassed furniture, textiles, ceramics, jewellery, sculpture and architecture. Originally known as ‘Arts Decoratifs’ after the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriel Modernes (International Exhibition of Modern and Industrial Decorative Arts) held in Paris in ...
A sophisticated style that once defined an era is inspiring a new generation of design lovers. Art Deco's heyday was a century ago, but it's got current influence in fashion, decor and more.
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Art Deco at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
The meaning of ART DECO is a popular design style of the 1920s and 1930s characterized especially by bold outlines, geometric and zigzag forms, and the use of new materials (such as plastic).
Art Deco Black Dial Gents Wristwatch Old Stock, Never Worn, Newly Serviced, 1930 ,, Metal: Steel ,, Weight: 26 g ,, Dimensions: Height: 1.19 in (30 mm) Width: 1.19 in (30 mm) Length: 9.45 in (24