1976年,在Barbara Baer Capitman女士主导下,迈阿密设计保护联盟(MiamiDesign Preservation League,简称MDPL)得以成立,数以千计的艺术家和年青人加入到这场保护运动中,终于在1979年,美国政府将Art Deco街区作为惟一建于20 世纪的历史文化遗产列入“国家保护名录(the National Register of HistoricPlaces)”,当...
地址:841 Washington Ave, South Beach Area, Miami Beach, FL 33139-5802营业时间:一般情况11:00-24:00 🐚Larios On the Beach 步入Larios On the Beach餐厅,仿佛是步入了海洋的世界,蔚蓝的色调、无处不在的贝壳装饰,都让人觉得很清凉。 我们在这里品尝了一种叫Picadillo的食物,它是蘸酱吃的古巴番薯片,...
Our city is home to the Miami Art Deco District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places, this is where the largest concentration of Art Deco architecture in the world is found. A stay in one of these gems is quite a treat, specially to arch
Book a room and stay in the historic Art Deco District on the famous Collins Ave. at The Tony Hotel South Beach, our boutique Miami hotel.
Book a room and stay in the historic Art Deco District on the famous Collins Ave. at The Tony Hotel South Beach, our boutique Miami hotel.
The Hotel Chelsea, a Boutique Hotel in Miami Beach's South Beach Art Deco District Located Steps from the Beach.
装饰艺术区(Art Deco District) 佛罗里达州 迈阿密南滩不仅坐拥美丽海景,聚集了众多酒吧、夜店、餐厅等场所,更拥有著名的装饰艺术区。作为世界规模最大的Art Deco建筑集中地,装饰艺术区聚集了800多栋风格各异的建筑,包括1923年到1943年建造的数百座酒店、公寓及其他建筑物。
From pastels to geometric shapes and patterns, Miami Beach houses some of the most eye-catching Art Deco hotels. To fully appreciate this architectural movement preserved by some of Miami Beach’s sleekest properties, read on for more information on where you can stay in the Magic City to ...
Damian’s got so much love for Miami Beach, he probably dreams in pastel colors and Art Deco lines. From the hidden spots you’d never find in a guidebook to juicy stories about South Beach’s wild past, he’s got it all covered. Plus, than...