在Art Deco Luxury Hotel & Residence享受奢华住宿。独特设计的房间配有优雅的装饰。从屋顶泳池欣赏城市美景。位于宁静的住宅区,附近有高级餐厅。体验角落套房的精致与舒适。这家位于万隆Ciumbuleuit繁华地区的豪华酒店及公寓提供独家设施,包括清爽的泳池、时尚的酒吧和愉悦的咖啡厅。享受空调、私人阳台/露台、免费WiFi和...
在Art Deco Luxury Hotel & Residence享受奢华住宿。独特设计的房间配有优雅的装饰。从屋顶泳池欣赏城市美景。位于宁静的住宅区,附近有高级餐厅。体验角落套房的精致与舒适。这家位于万隆Ciumbuleuit繁华地区的豪华酒店及公寓提供独家设施,包括清爽的泳池、时尚的酒吧和愉悦的咖啡厅。享受空调、私人阳台/露台、免费WiFi和...
Wave is an 18-room luxury Art Deco boutique hotel perfectly situated on Beach Road in the centre of downtown Pattaya in Thailand.
装饰艺术豪华公寓酒店(Art Deco Luxury Hotel & Residence) 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价;由于产品信息实时更新、市场价格波动等可能会与您预订时展示的不一致,该价格仅供您参考。
裝飾藝術豪華公寓飯店 (Art Deco Luxury Hotel & Residence)(萬隆) 2025年超值優惠,每晚最低價TWD1848起。位於風景優美的休布雷特地區,從裝飾藝術豪華公寓飯店可俯瞰萬隆,是享受運動休閒, 觀光的絕佳選擇。 這家4星級飯店離機場僅有10 km的路程,交通方便。 住宿位置優越
During this period, Art Deco was seen as a symbol of modernity and progress. It embodied the fast-paced, cosmopolitan lifestyle of the urban elite and celebrated luxury and indulgence. From the towering skyscrapers of New York City to the sleek interiors of jazz clubs and cinemas, Art Deco ...
One of the finest examples of Art Deco luxury on Miami Beach, the hotel combines its vintage 1930s roots with a contemporary spirit that runs through the whole property. The hotel has been sensitively restored, with its lavish interiors by Italian designer Paola Navone striking the perfect ...
被誉为世界设计之都的赫尔辛基,汇聚了大量优秀的建筑与空间设计作品,它们或传统或现代,其中就包括以Art Deco设计风格而著称的Hotel Lilla Roberts莉拉罗伯茨酒店。Hotel Lilla Roberts在BOOKING上的评分高达9.2分,同时也是Small Luxury Hotels组织的成员酒店。
Castelbrac is a villa in French coast that was converted into an Art Deco Luxury Hotel. Today it is a welcoming and modern hotel whose inspiration has been fou
As in the “roaring twenties” we are currently living extraordinary economic and technology times in which the luxury, optimistic and carefree image of the Art Deco style is very attractive. With The Art Deco Boutique we are eager to share our 20+ years passion and Art Deco expertise ...