主张简约、功能性和去装饰性,那么后现代主义就是反清晰、反简单,使用部分古典主义的形式与符号,通过繁复的装饰手法呈现丰富的视觉艺术效果;而装饰主义建筑风格Art Deco architecture,则凭借着工业高速发展的浪潮,重新解构古典主义,形成了继承古典元素,并保持机械化工业审美的独特美学风格。
Learn about the history and characteristics of Art Deco architecture and design. See examples of Art Deco architecture features from the 1920s and...
当代artdeco建筑形式特征解读interpretationofmodernartdecoarchitectureformfeature 系统标签: decoart建筑当代解读modern A+C067文/王时原王露荷 刘九菊WangShiyuan WangLuhe LiuJiujuABSTRACT在当代技术条件下,ArtDeco发展出了新的表达形式,本文分析了传统ArtDeco建筑的三大精髓,深入探讨了ArtDeco的装饰和符号象征的内容,从装...
Art Deco influenced a variety of industries including art, fashion, furniture design, and transportation, but none were as universally recognized as Art Deco architecture. While buildings around the world borrowed elements from the Art Deco movement, American skyscrapers were perhaps the most instantly ...
Art Deco Architecture | Characteristics, History & Style from Chapter 2/ Lesson 13 41K Learn about the history and characteristics of Art Deco architecture and design. See examples of Art Deco architecture features from the 1920s and 1930s. ...
Prime Examples of Art Deco Chrysler Building, New York City:This is an iconic example of Art Deco architecture that features a unique combination of geometric shapes, intricate details, and sleek lines. Its spire is made of stainless steel, and the lobby is decorated with famous murals and mos...
art deco buildings in the world. what is art deco architecture? short for the french arts décoratifs (which translates to “decorative arts”), art deco architecture is the structural manifestation of a broader movement that encompassed the visual arts, interior design , and product design ...
In contrast, Art Deco architecture features intricate detailing, bold patterns, and ornamental flourishes, with an emphasis on portraying the wealth and power of its patrons. One of the key differences between these two styles is their approach to ornamentation. While Art Deco architecture is known...
Art Deco Architecture:Design,Decoration and Detail from the Twenties and Thirties.London: London:Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1998 王受之.世界现代建筑史〔M〕.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1999 李百浩.湖北近代建筑.北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2005 吴焕加.现代建筑.中国大百科全书•建筑园林城市规划卷〔M〕.北京...
Art Deco is a style of visual arts that influenced everything from architecture to everyday objects. “装饰艺术”是一种从建筑到日常用品无不受过其影响的视觉艺术风格。 Its trademarks are geometric forms, linear shapes and narrow windows. 其标志性特征是几何形状、线性形状和窄窗。 A great example ...