没错,就是后来的超现实主义泰斗,雷尼·马格利特,他在1920年代曾作过一些Art Deco广告插图。搞纯艺术的他运用起前卫艺术来,可以说是毫不掩饰,理直气壮,与时尚女郎搭配,效果奇妙,诠释了前卫艺术影响下,最犀利、纯粹、原始的Art Deco风貌。 ©Rene Magritte 当然,更能体现这种风貌,尤其是立体主义与未来主义的,可能...
装饰艺术(Art Deco或Art Decoratifs)在1960年代获得了广泛的关注,它代表的是1920年代在法国兴起的一种与建筑、设计和时尚有关的艺术风格。这种风格以流线型造型和几何图案为主,其灵感来源于远洋客轮、飞机、汽车、电影等新技术,还受到立体派和埃及艺术意象的影响。 孟买的装饰艺术建筑不像纽约克莱斯勒大厦(Chrysler Buil...
1. What aspect of "art deco" does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The influence of art deco on the design of furniture and household accessories (B) Ways in which government programs encouraged the development of art deco (C)Architectural manifestations of art deco during the 1920's an...
Art Deco architecture derives from a style of visual arts that emerged in Europe in the 1920s, which also influenced the movie industry, fashion, and design.
art deco architecture is typically defined by the use of geometric shapes and volumes, and the buildings are often constructed from materials such as stucco, chrome, steel, decorative glass, terra-cotta, and aluminum. “it has zigzags, geometric patterns, stylized floral patterns, and especially ...
Art Deco, movement in decorative arts and architecture in Europe and the United States during the 1920s and ’30s. Its distinguishing features include simple, clean shapes, often with a streamlined look; ornament that is geometric or stylized from repres
This break with tradition was gradual, with some Art Deco buildings notable mostly for their ornament; more repackaging than innovation. That said, by the mid-1920s a combination of prosperity, optimism, exotic materials and fine craftsmanship produced some spectacular and exciting architecture. ...
Learn about the history and characteristics of Art Deco architecture and design. See examples of Art Deco architecture features from the 1920s and...
Patricia Bayer.Art Deco Interiors:Decoration and Design Classics of the 1920s and 1930s.London:Thames & Hudson Ltd,19865. Patricia Bayer. Art Deco Architecture:Design,Decoration and Detail from the Twenties and Thirties.London: London:Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1998 王受之.世界现代建筑史〔M...