顶级美物!Artdeco藏家级别手链,30-40s美物,出现了最难得的三撞色,做工是一个方面,对撞色设计的把握也是炉火纯青,捡漏价缘询 Antiques01 豪华参数:18cm,主石约1.2克拉!手链最宽23mm,18k金,钻石约7克拉! - 黎里于20240406发布在抖音,已经收获了247个喜欢,来抖
Renaissance Man is the source for nude male sculptures and art deco bronze figures including male nudes, female nudes & Art Deco pieces by artists such as Attilio Piccirilli, Donald De Lue, and Tait McKenzie.
Deconamic is specialized in Art-Deco & Art-Nouveau sculptures and objects located in Antwerp. Buy Max le Verier lamps & sculptures online.
Welcome to Gorringe Antiques. We are a family run business based in West Sussex, England, specialising in the sale and acquisition of art nouveau, art deco and rare antiques.
Artisan Antiques Art Deco is an important source of period Art Deco furniture, lighting, Art Glass and accessories in Miami's Design District.
Art Deco Tables The art deco era has to be one of our favourite epochs here at Canonbury Antiques - there's something about the 1920s style that lends itself so well to contemporary interiors. Elegant, minimal, cool and stylish. We have a large range of art deco furniture - deco tables...
Deco Spirit sells quality art deco era antiques and curiosities. Start a new family heirloom, give a gift that won't be obsolete in 6 months, or treat yourself to a treasure from yesterday that will still be a treasure tomorrow.
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Since 1922, The Magazine ANTIQUES has been America’s premier publication on the fine and decorative arts, architecture, preservation, and interior design.
ART DECO风格装饰,象征着精湛的工艺,财富和品味,名称起源于1925年在巴黎举行的"国际装饰艺术博览会" - Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes,当时创造出的全新时尚风格,颠覆了传统,风格被全球运用至建筑,家具,珠宝设计,公共空间中。在...