Use these tips to generate ideas to turn your expertise, talents and love of art into a summer art camp business that you may want to do year after year.
What’s just as fun as being a summer camper? Being a Camp Counselor! Learn more! Welcome to Charlotte Academy of Music! Feel Valued and Supported. Develop Confidence. Experience Community. Achieve Excellence. Contact us to learn more about our music and musical theatre lessons and classes. We...
Hofstra, which uses slow-looking techniques throughout the year during their classes, brought a light touch to the program (i.e., less lecture and more looking), which is what we love to see. You can visit them onFacebook,Twitter,Instagram, andLinkedin, and learn more about their classes...
This yearGalleri PictorandMunka folkhogskola(a Swedish folk high school and adult education center) hosted Slow Art events several times during the year: once in April for Slow Art Day, and three times during the summer for art students taking summer courses at the center. The slow looking ...
Ready to welcome summer with a creative twist?Handmade Charlottepresents a charming DIY project to add a bit of whimsy to your days: the Dancing Daisy Pasta Puppet. Perfect for crafters who enjoy working with their hands, this delightful puppet combines simple pasta noodles, wooden beads, and ...
“During the Christmas season, the store is decorated unbelievably, and it’s inspiring to see the expressions on the faces of the people who walk in,” said Luke M. Vaillancourt, the gallery’s vice president of operations. “We’re trying to create a little bit of that all year round...
Only the middle two of the four lanes were usable, the bottom one too rough and the top, next to the wall, slippery with dust in the early hours, then with marbles as the race wore on. The idea was that cars in the slower classes would keep to the lower lane, leaving the high li...
We offer affordable art camp programs for those kids who are not in school, camps during the school breaks, and of course camps specialized for the summer months that will thrill your child, boost confidence, encourage creativity and keep them preoccupie
“During the Christmas season, the store is decorated unbelievably, and it’s inspiring to see the expressions on the faces of the people who walk in,” said Luke M. Vaillancourt, the gallery’s vice president of operations. “We’re trying to create a little bit of that all year round...
“During the Christmas season, the store is decorated unbelievably, and it’s inspiring to see the expressions on the faces of the people who walk in,” said Luke M. Vaillancourt, the gallery’s vice president of operations. “We’re trying to create a little bit of that all year round...