art and environmental activismThe discourse of ecology and sustainability has gained critical traction in recent years. But how are these concepts framed within the space, language and idea of the exhibition? This panel discussion, moderated by Steven Lam and conducted by email in July 2012, ...
This article deals with environmental activism in Balinese contemporary art. I demonstrate how young Balinese artists have used their creativity to give visibility and/or audibility to some of the main threats to Bali's natural, social and cultural environments, including land reclamation projects and...
This project tackling racial justice, dubbed All Hands On Deck, was created by artist Damon Davis and activist Michael Skolnik in the aftermath of the death of Michael Brown. The pair decided to tackle the issue of police violence through art, uplifting those on the frontlines of activism and...
and each citizen’s right to speak up. Many people I know are afraid to air viewpoints which run counter to government policy because it threatens their livelihood. I have heard directly from environmental groups who are afraid to speak up lest their charitable tax status be revoked...More.....
Robert Bateman Lecture: Portrait of an Artist as an Environmental Truth-Teller Franke James receives the inaugural PEN Canada/Ken Filkow Prize Ottawa Citizen: “Artist accuses government of misusing its censorship powers to silence her” Do you think a government has the right to censor an artist...
By bringing together researchers, artists, designers and activists from a range of backgrounds, this event will consider local projects in intersectional, granular detail, to collectively re-evaluate the relationship between the arts, extraction and activism, both historically and in the present. The ...
Discoveringhowartisusedasatoolforsocialchangeandactivism. PublicArtStreetArt: Understandingthesignificanceofstreetartasaformofexpression.MonumentsandMemorials: Examiningtheimportanceofpublicmonumentsinpreservinghistory. PoliticalArt: Exploringhowartistsusetheirworktocommentonpoliticalissues.EnvironmentalArt: Understandingarts...
Artist transforms recycled materials into art, jewelry as a form of environmental activismBy Loureen Ayyoub April 22, 2024 / 8:13 PM PDT / CBS San Francisco It is often said that "one man's trash is another man's treasure," and for Harriete Estel Berman, she se...
Contemporaryartcanalsobedefinedbyitsfocusonexploringnewconcepts,ideas,andapproaches.Itoftenchallengestraditionalartisticvaluesandaesthetics.TheDifferenceBetweenContemporaryArtandHistoricalArt ApproachtoArt-Making Historicalarttendstofollowestablishedstylesandtechniques,whilecontemporaryartoftenbreakswithtradition,exploring...
What does art have to do with activism? Art inspires people to feel and think differently, sometimes to even be different, if only momentarily. Art is also a form of truth-telling. That’s also what activists try to do: inspire others to feel and experience truth. Art has been part of...