Wyzysk (art. 388 Kodeksu cywilnego) w polskim prawie prywatnym a obrót dziełami sztukiIn the Polish legal model, as enshrined under Article 388 of the Polish Civil Code, exploitation may be called upon only when three main factors have been inclusively fulfilled: at the moment an ...
Umowa przedwstpna o prac -- rozwaania na tle posikowego stosowania przepisów Kodeksu cywilnego na podstawie art. 300 k.pThe subject of this article is the institution of a preliminary contract, the subject of which is the obligation to conclude an employment contract in the ...
Szkody wyrzdzone przez zwierzta w wietle regulacji przepisu art. 431 Kodeksu cywilnegodoi:10.12775/SIT.2021.013The use of animals or raising animals necessitates a particular type of conduct both towards animals as well as the surrounding. Animals, as living organisms, do not tot...