starring: video: JAKOB STRASSL – aufnahme/schnitt: HERBERT PIXNER – aufnahmetechnik: WOLFGANG SPANNBERGER – aufnahmeassistent: MAX MÜHLBACHER – gemischt von THOMAS PRONAI bei CONTAINER RECORDINGS, cselleymühle, OSLIP/UZLOP – mastering: HARALD PAIRITS – dank an: ANDREAS ABLINGER (burgsomm...
The state-of-the-art review of the positive energy Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 55 Energies 2021, 14, 5046 2. Methodology 5 of 54 Despite the extensive debate of the PEBs and PECs over a decade, there is no univer- sal definition to represent these concepts yet. The ...
Yukari Nagai 1,*, Jiahui Liu 2, Nianyu Zou 2 and Jing Liang 2 1 Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi 923-1292, Japan; 2 Research Institute of Photonics, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian 116034, China; (J...
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pkotnhseietsyes.psTahnhoewelsseedwrietthhsefaoriamcmhpecarocsrtedrdevespneoslointpyseebdealnaodwprd7o0agmkrgea/sgmsei3v.setadteamaraegeinmdeopdeenldteontdeosfcrthibee ftohaemnocnorlienear behathviicokunTrehsoesf.lopTwlha‐eivsneelworceeisateyvaiermcchpaearrcbstobdneehvlaaemvloiopinueadrtoeafs...
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2-diylbis(azanediyl))bis(phenylmethanylylidene)) bis((d3iZh,y3d′rZo)f-u3r,a3n′--(2(((31HS,)2-oSn)-eC) y1c7lohexane-1,2-diylbis(azanediyl))bis(phenylmethanylylidene))bis(dihy drofuran-2(3H)-one) 17 PrePpraerpeadreadccaocrcdoirndgintgo ttohethgeengeernaelrparlopcreo...
Locatelli, M.; Kabir, A.; Innosa, D.; Lopatriello, T.; Furton, K.G. A fabric phase sorptive extraction-High performance liquid chromatography-Photo diode array detection method for the determination of twelve azole antimicrobial drug residues in human plasma and urine. J. Chromatogr. B ...