Interpretacja art. 107 Konstytucji RP oraz 34 ust. 1 ustawy o wykonywaniu mandatu posa i senatora w zakresie kwalifikowania wydzierawiania przez posa gruntów rolnych spóce Skarbu Państwadoi:10.31268/ZPBAS.2019.56A restriction concerning conducting business activit...
Legal opinion relates to a situation in which a Deputy to the Sejm receives a retirement and is employed as well. For the time of exercising a mandate he was granted an unpaid leave. Author claims that upon completion of the 60 years old of female Deputy to the Sejm (65 years old in...
CHARAKTER PRAWNY SANKCJI NIEWANOCI WSKAZANEJ W ART. 9 UST. 1 USTAWY O KSZTATOWANIU USTROJU ROLNEGO W ZWIZKU Z NOWELIZACJ TEJ USTAWYdoi:10.13166/jms/185971The nature of the sanction of invalidity regulated in Art. 9 u.k.u.r. raises a number of doubts, bo...
Opinia prawna w sprawie wykładni art. 24 ust. 2 ustawy o wykonywaniu mandatu posła i senatoraThe opinion relates to the use of the term "occasional " in the context of provision of office space to a Deputy for meetings with voters. This cannot apply to fixed, regular meetings of...
Opinia na temat niektórych aspektów regulacji art. 34 ust. 1 ustawy o wykonywaniu mandatu posa i senatora.The opinion focuses on three issues. First, whether the prohibition specified in Article 34 para. 1 of the Act of 9th May 1996 on the Exercise of the Mandate of a Deputy or ...
I also compare the historical wording of the provision with the current one; I study the quality of the implementation of the EU directive and analyse the jurisprudence and doctrine in this regard.Macig, AnnaProgress. Journal of Young Researchers...
Opinia prawna wsprawie interpretacji art.14 ust.2 ustawy owykonywaniu inicjatywy ustawodawczej przez obywateli.A representative of the legislative initiative committee of citizens shall have the right to make amendments to abill prepared and filed by this committee. This interpretation of Article ...
Sporządzanie aktów stanu cywilnego na podstawie dokumentów zagranicznych. Uwagi na tle art. 73 ust. 1 Ustawy Prawo o Aktach Stanu CywilnegoThe issue of drawing up birth, marriage and death certificates on the basis of foreign documents has not been the subject of a heated discussion in ...
Opinia prawna na temat poselskich uprawnień z art. 19 ust. 1 ustawy o wykonywaniu mandatu posa i senatora wobec spóek z udziaem Skarbu Państwa.The author attempts to answer the question: 'which actions may be taken by a Deputy under Article 19(1) of the Act on the Exercise of...
Opinia prawna w sprawie wykładni art. 105 ust. 1 Konstytucji oraz art. 7b–8 w związku z art. 6 i 6a ustawy o wykonywaniu mandatu posła i senatoraA Deputy, after the expiry of the mandate, is still entitled to legalprotection based on art. 105 paragraph 1 sentence 2 of...