Biclet PPhoenix,
NA;Exstrophy of the Bladder, considered specially with regard to Surgical Treatment.Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine, presented and defended by Rodolpho Valdevieso, Doctor of Medicine of Pennsylvania and Paris, etc. 8vo. pp. 76. With four lithographic plates. Paris, 1876.NA;...
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8357.2006.00739.xSIMON LEEUniversity of Reading;Blackwell Publishing LtdArt Book
13: 29-41.Scatena VL, Cardoso VA, Giulietti AM (1999) Morfoanatomia de espe´cies de Blastocaulon Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Acta Bot Braz 13:29-41Scatena VL, Cardoso VA, Giulietti AM (1999) Morfoanatomia de espécies de Blastocaulon Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Acta Bot Braz 13:29...
A literature survey of 106 articles shows that standard electrostimulation is an effective treatment of urinary incontinence and urinary disorders with bladder instability. Bladder inhibition is obtained by applying an alternating current at a frequency of between 5 and 25Hz and with a pulse width of...
On the other hand, the European Union has progessively taken charge of the issue of family support, which has brought about an harmonisation of national family policiesGerbino T.CCastello GBibliogr
An of the article "Alleviation of heat stress in market age broilers by strategic elevation of incubation temperature," by S. Yahav and colleagues is presented.doi:DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2004.06.039Yamamoto SNiiyama DShin BRrevista brasileira de fisioterapia...
Effect of porosity on the electrical properties of Fe-based specimens fabricated by powder metallurgyPérez-Ramos M.EManzano-Ramírez AVorobiev YGonzález-Hernández JMetallurgical & Materials Transactions B
The damped Lyman 伪 (Lya) systems (DLAs with NH i = 1020.3 cm2), in particular, are believed to contain a large fraction of the H i gas but there are also indications that lower column-density systems, called 'sub-damped Ly伪' systems, play a role at high redshift. Here we ...