Agnew's,London,UnitedKingdom, AGOGalerieBerlin,Berlin,Germany, Agora3ArtGallery,Barcelona,Spain, AgoraGallery,NewYork,NY,USA, Agra-ArtS.A.,Warsaw,Poland, Agro'/GlickmanStep1,NewYork,NY,USA, AgustinadelCampo,BuenosAires,Argentina, AtelierAbigailAhern,London,UnitedKingdom, AhrensburgerPostergalerie,Ah...
3. Optimization of the Development of Novel Functional Oils As stated before, the content and profile in phenolic compounds in the olive fruit depend on different agronomical parameters, viz soil, irrigation, climate, and so on, but mainly on the variety of the olive employed [77], as well ...
Figure 3. Evolution of publications with the theme of “affordable housing “since 1999. Considering that even after applying the first filter the number of results remained high, a new survey had to be applied. Thus, a second analysis was carried out, applying the expression “affordable hous...
Th1 cells express T-bet and produce interferon (IFN)-γ as their signature cytokine, whereas Th2 cells express GATA-3 and characteristically produce interleukin (IL)-4. The differentiation of CD4+ T cells into either the Th1 or Th2 subset requires IL-2 production and CD25 (IL-2 receptor)...