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Elsenhans, B.; Hunder, G.; Strugala, G.; Schümann, K. Longitudinal pattern of enzymatic and absorptive functions in the small intestine of rats after short-term exposure to dietary cadmium chloride. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1999, 36, 341–346. [CrossRef] 23. McGrath,...
starring: video: JAKOB STRASSL – aufnahme/schnitt: HERBERT PIXNER – aufnahmetechnik: WOLFGANG SPANNBERGER – aufnahmeassistent: MAX MÜHLBACHER – gemischt von THOMAS PRONAI bei CONTAINER RECORDINGS, cselleymühle, OSLIP/UZLOP – mastering: HARALD PAIRITS – dank an: ANDREAS ABLINGER (burgsomm...
Birstein, J.A., “Caractéristique zoogéographique de la faune souterraine de I’Union Soviétique,” in Lirve du Centenaire Émile G. Racovitza, 1868–1968 (Editions de l’Académie de la République socialiste de Roumanie, Bucarest, 1970), pp. 211–221. Google Scholar Birstein, J.A....
Dent Mater, 23(5): 539–548. Matsunaga S, Okudera H, Abe S, Tamatsu Y, Hashimoto M, Ide Y (2008). The influence of bite force on the internal structure of the mandible through implant three-dimensional and mechanical analysis using micro-CT and finite element method? J Oral Biosci, ...
August 23, 2011 Gallery Orange Amidst wandering through marvelous old mansions, faded reminders of a genteel past, and overindulging in muscovado-laced delicacies, a cultural tour of Bacolod included glimpses of the city’s contemporary arts landscape. The scene seems to gravitate towards two venues...
,“Don QuixoteДонКихот”, choreo by Aleksandr Gorsky АлександрГорский, Marius Petipa and Aleksey Fadeyechev АлексейФадеечев, libretto by Marius Petipa based on the novel “El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha” (“The Ingenious Nobleman...
This React component is used to render Markdown into a beautiful poster image, with support for copying as an image. Md to Poster/Image/Quote/Card/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook... - markdown-to-image/pnpm-lock.yaml at main · gcui-art/markdown-to-image
widespectrumofpotentialapplications,includingactionrecogn- ition,visualsurveillance,videoindexing,videocompression,and manyotherapplications.Inthispaper,wereviewtherecentdeve- lopments(especiallyforthoseinrecentfiveyears)ofmotionseg- mentationmethodsandanalyzetheirrespectiveprosandcons. ...
Álvarez-Tello FJ (2007) La pesquería de al medusa bola de cañón (Stomolophus meleagris) en la región de Kino-El Choyudo, Sonora, durante 2006. Master’s thesis, Instituto Tecnológico de Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico (in Spanish) Álvarez-Tello FJ, López-Martínez J, Rodríguez-Romero ...