Its utilization presupposes subjugation to a judicial regime which is partially public and partially private. The existence of private investors in mixed economy corporations suggests a careful analysis of the strategies related to the profit of the enterprise as opposed to the reason of its ...
of which we have examined 32 matches in the 2009-10 and 2010-11 seasons. Given that the analysis of data obtained through observation is key for the improvement of a team's performance, we have created a tool, ZASOF, which has allowed us to process and channel all the information obtaine...
La prestación por cese de actividad en las sociedades cooperativas de trabajo asociadoemployment benefits attributable to a termination of an activitycooperative societies of associated labourself-employedThis paper aims to examine the consequences of the provisions that regulate the Termination of an ...
As organizaes da sociedade civil e as ONGs de educao The organizations of civil society and the NGOs in educationThis text summarizes a series of concepts merely referred to by national press in recent years: civil society, NGOs, third sector, Law for CSOs of Public Interest, public ...
This text focuses on the articles related to teacher's work in the (almost) 110 issues of Educao & Sociedade, one of the most important and representative journals in the area of education. It highlights the aspects that received major attention in the papers, more particularly those that ...
For this purpose, masive actuations wich took place during the years 1950 to 1970 are compared to recent agricole reafforestation policies wich were included in the P.A.C. reform approved in 1992. This case-study provides the oportunity to discuss the variable significance of communal forest ...
doi:info:doi/10.1590/S1806-37132013000300015Costa, Andre NathanMarchiori, EdsonBenard, GilAraujo, Mariana SponholzBaldi, Bruno GuedesKairalla, Ronaldo AdibCarvalho, Carlos Roberto RibeiroSciELOJornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisilogia...