"Through unveiling the stories that have shaped our artistic and cultural heritage, this exhibition invites us to connect with the rich histories of our people that lie beneath the surface of each cultural belonging," she said. In addition to the exhibition, educational programs such as panel dis...
2023年6月1日上午10时许,西安美术学院美术史论系就业创业基地签约暨未美术馆与橡木ART艺术空间开馆仪式在启迪“TusPark·星”正式举行。 未美术馆与橡木ART艺术空间以儿童美育和艺术疗愈为核心理念,是西安美术学院入驻商业园区发挥视觉艺术...
1198672SIEMENS 7ML5747-1DA14-1BA0-Z Y01=150mmhydac EDS346-3-016-000KEB Antriebstechnik GmbH G72A DA180MC4 IE2 I TW,18.5kwHonsberg FLEX-(I+K)HD2KZ-015GM025 (220cst oil)Turck MS96-12R/24VDC Nr:5231007motrona GV204ETA E-1048-S602-DC24V-2ASAB BROECKSKES GmbH T201-046-684kral KF-...
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Models present creations at the 2024 Fashion Art Toronto's Fashion Week in Toronto, Canada, on May 5, 2024. The annual fashion show was held here from May 2 to 5 this year. (Photo by Zou Zheng/Xinhua)
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Shanghai Huishuo Trade Co.,Ltd.上海徽烁贸易有限公司专业致力于欧美工控备件进口,主要服务的行业是钢铁,石化,造纸,能源,港口,包装,电力,船舶,采矿,食品,饲料等;并与这些行业大部分的大型企业建立起直接或间接的合作模式。徽烁凭借拥有一支高素质专业人才从事贸易多年,积累了众多优势渠道,与德国、意大利、法国、英国...
多中心、随机、单盲、阳性药平行对照,比较JZB30和果纳芬®用于接受辅助生殖技术(ART)控制性卵巢刺激促排卵治疗的中国女性的有效性和安全性受试者招募。 尊敬的辅助生殖女士: 目前一项“多中心、随机、单盲、阳性药平行对照,比较JZB30和果纳...
回收库存电子芯片长期回收STM32F427IIT7【收购ic电子料】 封装规格 ISO7341CQDWRQ1、CL160808T-47NM-N、A3PE1500-1FG676I、EPM1270GF256I5N、XC2VP100-7FF1696I、S-1313A10-M5T1U3、AD7414ART-0REEL、SI2303BDS-T1-E3、R1131N151B-TR-F、EP4SGX230KF40C3NES、DT06-4S-CE02、C0402X6S1A151K020BC、...
(PCF8812)Bucher QX51-080/31-020REDWARDS W6D042811NUMTEC-INTERSTAHL GmbH IDENT NO.011317HIRSCHMANN Art.-Nr.: 943376-001Dittmer G D06/010673;1.13.1 Kopf DAAW blau;1xPT 100Dittmer Sr-2013-01-1 2*PT100 3LNU 0-150 Part no:D06/010673Baumer HOG 10 G DN 1024 I Serien-Nr:1194445Rexroth...