【生存教程向】【AR..ARS MAGICA (魔法艺术,曾用译名魔法工艺&古代魔法)是最优秀的、自由度最高的的魔法类mod之一,其一代作品曾获业界内一致好评与广泛推广。二代作品引入了一套类似于技能树的系统使其可玩性
How to install the Ars Magica 2 Mod for Minecraft: Download the mod. If you don’t have Forge, then download and installMinecraft Forge. Open your minecraft folder (in Windows: Start -> Run -> “%appdata%\.minecraft”). Copy the mod .jar, file(s) you downloaded to the “mods” f...
The Ars Magica 2 mod gives you more than a little magic, adding a slew of items, spells and more. All you need to do is find a pool of etherium, basically off-color water, and place a book in an item frame adjacent to the pool.
文章分类: MOD· 新物品Mod 魔法艺术2 Ars Magica 2模组是是魔法艺术1的续作,作者引入了大量新的机制来加强其可玩性。 最好的魔法技能类模组之一。 首先是作者引入了一套类似技能树的系统,让玩家对魔法的学习更加具备系统性,而不再依赖结果未知的地图探索; 其次加强了前作中法力亲和力的设定,亲和力不但能赋予玩家...
The exceptions to this license are textures, majority of which are property of D3miurge, licensed to this mod for it's use. More information cam be found here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/user/2252536-d3miurge/#am2 Spell icons used include Painterly Spell Packs 1 through 4, courtesy of...