arrow function没有自身的this,即在arrow function内部使用this时,此this指向创建此函数时的外部this。 场景:在Web开发时都会用到ajax的回调,回调函数内的this常常用外部创建的self、that、_this等变量暂存,而当回调函数采用arrow function方式时就可以直接使用外部的this。 示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 varajax=funct...
arrow function没有自身的this,即在arrow function内部使用this时,此this指向创建此函数时的外部this。 场景:在Web开发时都会用到ajax的回调,回调函数内的this常常用外部创建的self、that、_this等变量暂存,而当回调函数采用arrow function方式时就可以直接使用外部的this。 示例: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12...
typeof(() => {})//'function'() => {}instanceofFunction//truetypeoffunction() {}//'function'function() {}instanceofFunction//true 参考资料:
箭头函数(Arrow Function)是 ES6 (ECMAScript2015)中的新语法特性。 它是函数表达式的一种简写形式,非常适合面向过程(相对于面向对象而言)的函数式编程。 但是它也有诸多限制和“缺点”,比如:没有自己的 this 对象,没有 arguments 参数,没有 prototype 属性,不能当作构建函数使用(无法用new关键字)等等。 下面将逐...
typeof(() => {})//'function'() => {}instanceofFunction//truetypeoffunction() {}//'function'function() {}instanceofFunction//true 参考资料:
In JavaScript, we can define functions in many ways, such as: function declarations, function expressions, and arrow functions
Arrow functions are semantically different from the non-standard expression closures added in Firefox 3 (details: JavaScript 1.8), for expression closures do not bind this lexically. Prior to Firefox 39, a line terminator (\n) was incorrectly allowed after arrow function arguments. This has been ...
箭头函数 this arrow function 无this,\GPUGO\MP\wepy\mpBMCwepy\src\utils\wxRequest.jswepybui
Functions are used everywhere in JavaScript. A face-lift to make their syntax succinct, and consequently easier to use and understand, was long overdue. 1. length being the number of arguments that the function expects. 2. Though strictly speaking this is the only time we can skip the parent...