This map is for use in the ARRL '10m Contest', which takes place every year on the second full weekend in December. You are welcome to use this map on your own NON-COMMERCIAL website, if you include a link to this site, and DO NOT edit them in any way. PleaseContact Mefor other...
2012ARRLDXContestRules 1.Mission,Definitions,andObjectives: 1.1.Mission:EncourageW/VEstationstoexpandknowledgeofDXpropagationonthe HFandMFbands,improveoperatingskills,andexpandstationcapabilitybycreatinga competitioninwhichDXstationscanonlycontactW/VEstations. ...
And for yet another core group of dedicated amateurs, the purpose is to lay the groundwork for another successful contest season. This year there are only a few changes in store for the thousands of amateurs who participate in the 15 contests sponsored by the ARRL. In fact, the rule ...