offer上的一个英文条款,我是在上海,收到了一家公司的offer,上面有很多条款,有一条是谈工资的:2:The position will attract a basic salary of RMB7,000 per month,to be paid in arrears at the end of each calender month.
I have a query. For a new employee salary is not processed for the current month and in the next month his salary is processed, so in the payslip his last months arrears should be calculated and shown as basic arrears, hra arrears etc. For eg: An employee joins the co. 25th of oct...
太子奶清算期限将至 管理人确认拖欠工资社保上亿元(Prince of milk liquidation deadline approaching, the administrator confirmed arrears of wages, social security on the billion).doc,太子奶清算期限将至 管理人确认拖欠工资社保上亿元(Prince of milk liquidati